Bonding with your bird
calming a parrot

How To Achieve A Healthy Bond With Your Pet Bird

Help your pet feel part of the family flock, while preventing a mate-like bond is imperati
bird stress
Birds Stress

5 Essential Ways To Reduce Bird Stress

Bird stress is a real thing.  Our companion birds experience a lot of day to day stress th
Bird respiratory problems
adopting a parrot

Parrot Respiratory System - What does it mean if a bird is panting?

Is your bird breathing heavily?  Maybe you hear a clicking sound when it breaths or you se
Avain Calming Formula for Parrot Stress
calming a parrot

Feather Plucking Series: Parrot Calming Formula & How Much To Give

If your bird suffers from stress or anxiety, or it's been diagnosed with behavioral feathe
calming anxious birds
calming a parrot

The Dos and Don'ts of Calming Nervous Birds

Birds are amazing pets. But an anxious bird can be downright troublesome. Luckily, there a