Fireworks and Birds

5 Ways To Help Your Bird Feel Safe During Fireworks

Fireworks can be incredibly stressful for birds due to their sensitive hearing, vision, and respiratory systems. The loud noises and bright flashes can cause extreme anxiety, while the smoke and fumes can lead to respiratory issues. By preparing a quiet, safe space and using calming techniques, you can help your bird feel secure and comfortable during fireworks season.

Revised: June 22,2024

Table of Contents

Fireworks can be a blast for us, but they can be a nightmare for our feathered friends. The loud noises and bright lights often happen when birds are settling down to sleep, causing stress and disrupted rest. Chemicals and smoke from fireworks can also irritate their delicate respiratory system

During celebrations, we might be less available to comfort our birds. By planning ahead, we can help our feathered friends feel safe and calm. This post will show you how to create a peaceful environment, improve air quality, and desensitize your bird to loud noises.

Let's get ready to support our birds during fireworks season. Plan ahead to ensure they stay safe and happy!

Why Fireworks are Traumatic for Birds

Loud, Unexpected Sound Blasts

Fireworks are loud and sudden, which can be especially jarring for birds. These noises often happen just as birds are settling down for the night, disrupting their natural sleep cycle. When birds are startled from their rest, it causes extreme emotional stress. This stress can manifest in various ways, from frantic flying and loud screeching to more subtle signs like feather plucking or changes in eating habits.

Birds have very sensitive hearing, which means that the booming sounds of fireworks are much more intense for them than for us. This heightened sensitivity makes it even more important to manage their environment during fireworks displays to minimize their stress.

Bright, Scary Flashes of Light

Birds also have exceptional vision, including the ability to see ultraviolet light. The bright, flashing lights of fireworks can be disorienting and frightening for them.

Combined with their acute hearing, these sensory abilities mean that fireworks can be overwhelming for birds.

Respiratory Irritation

Birds have ultra-sensitive respiratory systems, which makes them particularly vulnerable to the smoke and chemicals released by fireworks. When fireworks explode, they emit a variety of harmful substances, including:

  • sulfur
  • carbon dioxide
  • heavy metals

These particles can linger in the air long after the fireworks have ended, making it easy for our beloved birds to inhale them.

fireworks and birds

Breathing in these chemicals can severely irritate a bird's delicate lungs and air sacs, leading to coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Because birds are such efficient breathers, they absorb more oxygen—and unfortunately, more toxins—with each breath. This exposure can cause serious respiratory issues and weaken their overall health.

Owner Availability

As pet owners, we know that the 4th of July and other celebrations are a busy time with friends and family. It's easy to get caught up in the fun and forget how stressful it can be for our birds.

That's why planning ahead is so important.

By setting up a calm space, improving the air quality, and preparing for the loud noises, we can ensure our feathered friends are safe and comfortable. This way, we can enjoy the festivities with peace of mind, knowing our birds are well cared for even while we're celebrating with loved ones.

Dealing with Loud Noise

Create a Calming Environment

Fireworks can be incredibly disruptive to our birds, especially when they’re trying to sleep. One of the best ways to help them is to move their cage to a quieter location in your home. This could be a room farthest from the noise or one no windows to insulate the sound.

Creating a calm and quiet space can make a significant difference in how your bird experiences the nights before and after the 4th.

Playing soothing music or nature sounds can also help mask the sound of fireworks. Gentle tunes or the sound of rain can provide a comforting background noise that helps drown out the sudden booms and cracks outside. This can help your bird feel more at ease and less startled by the noises that might otherwise scare them.

Using a white noise machine is another effective strategy. These machines produce a consistent sound that can cover up the unpredictable noises of fireworks. The steady hum can help your bird stay calm and maintain their sleep, making the loud celebrations outside less jarring. By taking these steps, you can create a more peaceful environment for your bird and help them get through fireworks season with less stress.

Desensitization Training

Desensitization training is another valuable tool. Gradually expose your bird to Youtube videos with firework sounds at low volumes, and slowly increase the volume over time. This can help them get used to the noise without the immediate shock of a real fireworks display. Use positive reinforcement to reward calm behavior during these sessions, which can make the experience more pleasant and productive for your bird.

Managing Disrupted Sleep

Establish a Quieter Safe Space

Setting up a quiet, comfortable room for your bird during fireworks is essential. Find a room away from noise, like a bedroom or basement, to act as a sanctuary. Consider using a sleep cage, which is smaller and easier to move, for this purpose. Place the sleep cage in the quiet room to create a peaceful retreat.

bird sleep cage

Use breathable covers for the sleep cage to make it even more comforting. These covers create a dark, secure space, blocking out bright flashes while allowing good airflow. This helps reduce your bird's stress and ensures they remain comfortable.

By preparing a quiet room and using a sleep cage with breathable covers, you can significantly reduce your bird’s stress during fireworks.


Smoke can hurt birds' lungs, making them more likely to get dangerous infections. Let's explore two ways to support your bird.

Avoid Smoke Exposure

Keeping your bird safe from smoke during fireworks is important. Make sure to keep windows closed so smoke can't get inside. This will help protect your bird’s lungs from harmful smoke that can make them sick. Also, run the air conditioner to keep the air inside fresh and cool. The air conditioner can help filter out any smoke and keep the temperature comfortable for your bird. By doing these things, you can keep your bird safe during fireworks.

Improve Air Quality

To keep the air clean for your bird, use a high-quality air purifier in their room. This will help filter out harmful particles that can make your bird sick. Make sure the room is well-ventilated so fresh air can circulate, but avoid placing your bird in a direct draft. These steps will help your bird breathe easier and stay healthy during fireworks season.

Bonus Tips:

Set up a comforting routine:

Maintaining a routine can help your bird feel safe during fireworks. Keep a regular daily schedule for feeding, playing, and sleeping. Before the fireworks start, spend extra time with your bird to help them feel calm and loved. Give them their favorite toys or a special treat to keep them distracted and happy. You can also let your bird exercise and play before the festivities begin to tire them out. A familiar routine can make your bird feel more secure and less scared during the noisy celebrations.

Use Bird Calming Products

Help your bird stay calm and stress-free with our range of calming nutraceuticals. These products are designed to soothe your bird's nerves without causing drowsiness and can be easily added to their water or mixed into their food.

Explore our top calming products for birds:

  • Parrot Calming Formula (PCF): A clear, water-soluble formula that helps keep your parrot calm and composed.

  • Hemp Seed: A natural, tasty treat with calming benefits. Just be mindful of the omega 3 & 6 content.

  • SereniTea Herbal Formula: A nutritious blend of adaptogen herbs that can be steeped as tea or mixed into their food.

  • Chamomile Tea: Known for its soothing properties, it’s perfect for reducing stress.

  • Calming Bundle: Includes PCF, Hemp Seed, and SereniTea for complete support.

Don't forget to check out this page if you want detailed bird care consultation.

FAQ: Helping Birds During Fireworks

Birds have sensitive hearing, vision, and respiratory tracts, making the loud noises and bright flashes especially frightening. When they inhale the fumes, it causes respiratory distress.

Gradually expose your bird to firework sounds at low volumes and increase over time, using positive reinforcement. Please note that we strongly suggest placing your bird in a safe setting to avoid smoke inhalation.

Move your bird to a well-ventilated room with an air purifier and immediately consult your avian vet.

Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on Keeping Birds Safe During Fireworks

1. Why are fireworks particularly traumatic for birds?

A) Birds enjoy the loud noises and bright lights
B) Birds have sensitive hearing, vision, and respiratory systems
C) Fireworks don't affect birds at all
D) Birds can't see or hear fireworks

2. What is one effective way to help a bird stay calm during fireworks?

A) Move their cage closer to the noise
B) Keep the lights on brightly
C) Play soothing music or nature sounds
D) Ignore them and hope they get used to it

3. Which of the following is a good strategy to improve air quality for your bird during fireworks?

A) Open all the windows
B) Use a high-quality air purifier
C) Turn off the air conditioner
D) Place the bird outside during fireworks

4. How can you help desensitize your bird to firework sounds?

A) Gradually expose them to firework sounds at low volumes, increasing over time
B) Play firework sounds at full volume immediately
C) Never expose them to firework sounds
D) Only expose them to firework sounds during the actual fireworks

5. What should you do if your bird shows signs of respiratory distress during fireworks?

A) Move your bird to a well-ventilated room with an air purifier and consult your avian vet
B) Ignore the symptoms and let the bird rest
C) Place your bird outside to get fresh air
D) Give your bird a bath to calm it down


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Wilson, L. (2012, November 5). Fireworks and your parrot. Northern Parrots.

Parrot Essentials. (2023, December 15). 7 tips for keeping a scared parrot calm during fireworks. Parrot Care Articles

Doering, L. (2016, June 29). A safe & sane Fourth of July for your bird. Lafeber.

Link to this blog

Burroughs, D. (2024, June 22). 5 ways to help your bird feel safe during fireworks. 

Diane Burroughs, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist trained in ABA therapy techniques. She specializes in avian anxiety disorders and is certified in Nutrition For Mental Health. Diane has written a number of bird behavior books and she offers behavior consultations. She's developed a range of UnRuffledRx Science-backed Parrot Wellness Supplies.

Diane's products have been featured in the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery and at Exoticscon, a conference for exotic pet veterinarians. Her bird collars & supplements are stocked in avian vet clinics and bird stores throughout the US. With over 30 years in the field of behavior, Diane has created thousands of successful individualized behavior plans that help pets thrive.

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