Revised 8/27/2022
Congratulations! If you think you might make a good candidate for adopting a parrot, congratulations! You'd be joining some of the more well-known parot adoptees who have happy, healthy pet birds. That's right, such celebrities as:
- Matthew McConaughey and his Sun Conure
- Hillary Swank and her African Grey, Seuss
- Gwen Stefani and her beautiful Caique
- Will Farrell and his massive collection of exotic birds
- Steven Spielberg and his Amazon parrot, Blanche
Even presidents have owned birds. For instance, Martha Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Dolly Madison, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson,
Take this fun quiz to see if you've done your homework! Have you studied what it takes to help a parrot not just survive, but thrive?
Pass this quiz, and the chances are good that you've got what it takes to take on the title of "parront!"
1. You should choose a parrot based on it's looks or talking ability.
False. Different bird species have different personalities and different care needs. Some are best suited for apartment living, while others need more space. Some are relatively quiet, others are quite loud! Study your household and lifestyle needs and choose a bird species that compliments your situation.
2. Parrots are solitary creatures and as such should be left alone.
False. Some exotic birds originate from small flocks while other species come from flocks numbering in the thousands. We call these birds "flock species." Flock species tend to have louder calls and need more socialization and mental stimulation.
Not only that, birds are highly intelligent with a lot of energy. A solely kept bird will need a considerable amount of enrichment to ward off boredom and the problem behaviors that might accompany loneliness.
Carefully consider whether you will have this amount of time for years to come.
3. Housing a parrot is easy. You should make it feel secure in a cage that is just big enough for them to move.
False. Parrots need much more than toys and a large cage to thrive.
First, they are exotic pets with special dietary needs. Second, they're very social and need a lot of social interaction to thrive. Most parrots have the intelligence of a 3 - 5 year old child and will get into considerable mischief without mental stimulation. Our birds are also quite athletic with a high metabolism. Do you have the time to offer a parrot plenty of exercise? Study up on parrot care before you acquire your pet.
4. A parrot's cage should be placed outside where there is plenty of fresh air and breezes.
False. Birds are from temperate, tropical climates. Housing them outside is nice if the weather in your locality is temperate, that is between about 50 - 85 degrees. However, birds don't tolerate extremes in cold or heat.
5. Parrots love to eat practically anything. As a result, you should feed them lots of table-scrapes.
False. Just like any animal, birds need a range of vitamins, minerals, proteins (amino acids) and more to thrive and grow gorgeous feathers. Seeds simply don't offer the nutrition that birds need. Neither do table scraps. Purchase a reputable bird specific pellet like
- Harrison's Bird Food
- Roudybush
- Tops
6. Parrots can be very inexpensive pets to have. It all depends on the type of bird you have as well as how well you accommodate him.
False. Buying the bird is the cheapest part of owning a pet bird. Parrots need a roomy cage, a premium diet, a constant rotation of toys and bird stands to get out and socialize with the family if you want them to be happy, healthy and fun to be around.
7. Regardless of the type of parrot you own, they all like and should be allowed out of their cages a lot.
True. You wouldn't like it much if you had to spend all day - every day being cooped up in your house. Your bird is the same way, each enjoying some time outside of their cage every day.
Under most circumstances, an hour spent outside of their cage every day is good but the more time your bird spends out and about socializing with the family, the better.
ALWAYS supervise your pet bird when it is out of the cage. Birds can be accident prone and other household pets may mistake them for a toy. Teach your bird to stay on its play stand.
There's a good chance that your bird will even want to spend their time outside of their cage on your shoulder to enjoy a little "quality time." Birds love people, and it would only stand to reason that he will want to spend time with you. Any room that you release your bird into should have all doors and windows closed, and if there are windows or mirrors, they should be covered to keep your bird from flying into them.
If your bird is flighted, all out of cage time should be carefully supervised. Every year, thousands of pet birds accidentally fly out of an open door or window, Bird's can learn recall just like a dog can. Harness train your bird if you want to take it outside. Remember, your bird is as smart as a 3 - 5 year old child. They can learn, but they also need a lot of supervision.
8. The best way to train your bird is to do it yourself.
True. The first step in training almost any bird is to hand train them. This can be started within a few days after you get your pet home and have a few days to get acquainted. Open the door of your bird's cage and stick your hand nearby and with while holding some kind of treat out to them. Say "step up!" and treat them as soon as they step up on your finger.
Get a fantastic book called Clicker Training For Birds for step by step tips on how to train your bird to prevent many unwanted behaviors.
9. Caring for your parrot is a pretty easy task. A lot of it is common sense.
False. While caring for your bird may seem like a pretty easy task of cleaning the cage, spending time with them and giving them a cage. However, remember that parrots are exotic pets that need special diets and consistent training. Their cage should be cleaned frequently, if not every day.
The level of cleaning care depends largely on how messy your bird is. Some birds are very active, and love to make messes by spilling seed, water and other things on the floor of their cage. All that mess is a recipe for bacteria and fungus growth.
Create mini routines to get into the habit of meeting their care needs. A morning routine might be...
- Preparing a bird chop for their first meal of the day
- Doing a quick sweep up of around their cage
- Rinsing food and water dishes
- Doing a quick visual inspection for any signs of bleeding or diarrhea
- Making sure no toys have been used to the point of not being safe any more
An evening routine might be:
- Checking food and water dishes
- Getting them out of the cage for family time and socialization
- A quick mist or bath so that they have plenty of time to dry off before bed time
- A short training session
- Doing a quick visual check to see that your bird has been active that day and that it looks healthy and well.
- Making sure that it can get 10-12 hours of sleep a night
- Changing cage lining to prevent bacterial and fungal build up
10. A bird is like any other pet, if you have doubts about his health, take him to a veterinarian to have him checked.
Bird's are natural actors who can hide illness from even expert bird caretakers. To ward off worry, stay up to date on annual wellness checkups by an avian vet or an experienced exotics veterinarian. To find one that specializes in birds, check with the Association of Avian Veterinarians' website. If none is available, you should call a veterinarian to find out if they have experience working with birds. If so, try to take your bird in for a physical review once a year to make sure they are healt
If your bird shows any signs of disease or illness, have it checked out immediately. Here is what to look for
- It he appears to be droopy, ruffled, tired, or hides his head under his wing, chances are that he is ill.
- If he sneezes or coughs, or has discharge from his nostrils, or droppings on his tail, these could be signs of a problem.
- Fluffed up feathers and squinted eyes.
- Bobbing tail with breathing.
If your bird is healthy, he will have bright eyes, clean and shiny feathers, a good appetite, and plenty of energy. Plainly stated, healthy birds eat a lot and are very active. A good sign that a bird is healthy before you buy it is if he comes from a reputable breeder.
If you got this far in your planned parrothood quiz you probably expected some kind of grading matrix, but there is none. Suffice it to say that if you completed with a good feeling that you would make a good parrot adoptee, you probably would. Otherwise, buy a cat, but not as a companion to your bird.
Related Posts:
Insights Into African Grey Parrot Intelligence
What to feed an Eclectus Parrot
What you need to know about parrotlets
Burkett, G. Avian First Aid (DVD) Be Your Bird's First Responder
Rach, J. and Gallerstein, GA. An Owner's Guide To First Aid For Birds. Howell Book House, New York, NY. 1999.
Husbandry and management of parrot species
Diane Burroughs, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist trained in ABA therapy techniques. She specializes in avian anxiety disorders and is certified in Nutrition For Mental Health. Diane has written a number of bird behavior books and she offers behavior consultations. She's developed a range of UnRuffledRx Science-backed Parrot Wellness Supplies.
Diane's products have been featured in the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery and at Exoticscon, a conference for exotic pet veterinarians. Her bird collars & supplements are stocked in avian vet clinics and bird stores throughout the US. With over 30 years in the field of behavior, Diane has created thousands of successful individualized behavior plans that help pets thrive.
TAGS: #BirdCare #ParrotCare #ParrotHusbandry #BirdWellness