hormonal bird – foods that trigger hormonal behavior and how to avoid them

Foods That Increase Bird Hormones and Make Everyone Miserable

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A lot of bird people wonder how to stop a hormonal bird. Hormonal birds can have physical health problems and become aggressive when they are chronically hormonal.

What makes a bird hormonal?

Most of us dread the onset of hormonal bird season. Keep in mind, your bird is just as distressed as you are.

Did you know that some things we feed our birds can actually bring on hormonal behavior? That’s right! Certain conditions turn on the hormones.

Hormonal bird season usually starts in spring when longer, warmer days arrive along with new plant growth. More light and protein-rich, fatty foods trigger a hormonal response in birds.

If you don’t want to trigger a hormone response or if you want to tone down the hormones, check your bird's diet.

What foods trigger hormones in birds?

Here are 5 food types that can turn your bird's hormones on:

Fatty treats and goodies.
Crackers, chips, and sweets can trigger hormones. Fats and proteins prepare the body to breed. Feeding fatty foods tricks your bird’s body into thinking breeding season has arrived.
Starchy foods.
Starchy foods like bread, rice, pasta, and casseroles make hormone surges. The body breaks down starch into glucose for fuel, which can increase hormones.
Breads & Grains.
Baked goods like bread and some grains are full of starch and fat. If your bird shows hormonal signs, back off protein-rich grains.
Sweet, sugary veggies & fruits.
Fruits and veggies are great for birds, but limit those high in sugar. Opt for leafy greens instead.
Warm, soft, wet foods.
Warm, wet food mimics feeding during mating rituals. If your bird is hormonal, serve food at room temperature.

Foods that stabilize hormones in birds

Eating fresh produce is one of the best ways to improve your bird's health and balance hormones. Avian experts recommend feeding several types of fresh, uncooked vegetables daily.

It doesn’t have to be hard. Preparing healthy ingredients should take less than 15 minutes. Feeding more raw produce can help balance hormones and provide many other health benefits.

Related Blogs:

For more information on hormonal bird behavior, check out these blogs:

The Ultimate Guide To Hormonal Bird Behavior

8 Foods That Can Help Your Obnoxious Hormonal Bird

How To Pet A Bird And Avoid Chronic Hormonal Behavior

Diane Burroughs, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist trained in ABA therapy techniques. She specializes in avian anxiety disorders and is certified in Nutrition For Mental Health. Diane has written a number of bird behavior books and offers behavior consultations. She's developed UnRuffledRx Science-backed Parrot Wellness Supplies.

Diane's products have been featured in the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery and at Exoticscon. Her bird collars and supplements are stocked in avian vet clinics and bird stores throughout the US. With over 30 years in behavior, Diane has created thousands of individualized behavior plans to help pets thrive.

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