parrot holding pencil

Finding a Bird Sitter for a Worry-Free Getaway

Going on vacay? Don't wing it with your pet bird.  Learn how to find a pet sitter for birds, how to interview them, and how to instruct them so that your bird doesn't get its feathers ruffled while you're away.

Table of Contents

Entrusting your pet with a bird sitter while you travel can be stressful, but choosing the right sitter can give you peace of mind. In this guide, we’ll help you find the perfect bird sitter, ask the right questions, and make sure your feathered friend is happy and well cared for while you're away.

How to Find Parrot Sitting Near Me

Got a getaway planned? Don’t wait until the last minute to find the perfect parrot sitter! Pet sitters book up fast, especially during peak travel seasons, so now’s the time to get your ducks 🐥—or rather, parrots—in a row. Start your search about 16 weeks in advance to snag the best bird-savvy sitters in your area.

A great first step is asking fellow bird owners or checking with avian and exotic vets—they often know sitters who are well-versed in caring for parrots. You can also try searching for “bird groomers near me,” as many groomers either offer pet sitting or can point you toward trusted sitters who specialize in birds.

Places to look for a bird sitter:

Avian, exotic vets, and vet techs
Bird groomers 
Local bird clubs or bird stores
Online directories like Rover,, or
Facebook groups or bird forums
Apps like Nextdoor for community recommendations

These options will help you find the right sitter who understands how to care for your feathered friend.

Key Questions to Ask a Prospective Bird Sitting Service

Asking the right questions can help you find a parrot sitter who understands your bird's needs and knows how to keep them happy and healthy while you’re away. Here are some important questions to ask during your search:

1. What experience do you have with parrots, and what species have you cared for?

This question helps you understand their background and familiarity with different types of parrots.

2. How would you recognize if my bird is stressed or unwell?

This question ensures the sitter can identify common signs of distress or illness in birds, such as changes in behavior, appetite, or feather condition.

3. Can you describe how you would handle my bird’s daily routine, including feeding and interaction?

This allows you to see how well they understand the importance of maintaining your bird’s routine for comfort and well-being.

4. How would you handle an emergency situation with my parrot?

This question reveals their preparedness and whether they have a plan for dealing with potential health or safety issues.

5. What steps do you take to keep a bird mentally stimulated and entertained?

This shows if the sitter is aware of the need for enrichment and mental stimulation to prevent boredom or anxiety.

6. Have you ever administered medication or special dietary requirements for birds?

This helps assess their comfort level with providing any medical care or dietary adjustments your parrot might need.

7. How would you ensure my bird stays safe and happy while I’m away?

This gives insight into their overall approach to caring for birds, including how they balance safety and companionship.

These questions are designed to help you gauge the sitter's expertise and ensure they are a good fit for your bird's specific needs.

Why References Matter When Choosing a Parrot Sitter

Checking references is a crucial step in finding the right parrot sitter for your bird. A sitter may seem great during an interview, but speaking to others who have used their services can give you a clearer picture of their reliability and expertise. By talking to previous clients, you can learn how well the sitter handled the birds in their care, whether they followed instructions, and how they dealt with any unexpected situations. This step can provide peace of mind, knowing that someone else has trusted them with their pet.

References can also offer insight into how the sitter interacts with birds emotionally, which is especially important for parrots. Parrots can be sensitive, and a sitter who understands how to keep a bird calm and engaged is invaluable. Don't be afraid to ask questions like, "How did they handle stressful situations?" or "Did your bird seem happy and well-cared for when you returned?" These details will help ensure your bird is in good hands while you're away.

How To Choose the Best Sitter for Your Parrot

After asking questions and checking references, trust your gut. If something feels off, keep looking. You want to feel confident that your parrot is in good hands while you're away.

The Dangers of Choosing the Wrong Parrot Sitter: A Real-Life Story

One of my clients learned the hard way how important it is to choose an experienced bird sitter. She had hired someone who seemed friendly and eager but had no real experience with parrots. Unfortunately, this sitter didn’t understand the delicate needs of the bird, and within a week, the parrot had severely plucked its feathers, developing a habit that was hard to break. The bird became a nervous wreck, and what started as a simple vacation turned into a stressful, long-term issue. This heartbreaking situation could have been avoided with more careful vetting of the sitter's experience.

Parrot sitting near me

To help prevent this from happening, it’s important to assess both the sitter’s experience and how you feel about them emotionally. While a good gut feeling is useful, it's not enough on its own when it comes to caring for sensitive animals like parrots. Here’s a way to break down the pros and cons of each candidate based on measurable experience versus emotional connection:

Pros and Cons List for Evaluating a Parrot Sitter


Pros Cons
✅ Has experience with multiple parrot species and understands their specific needs (e.g., diet, mental stimulation, signs of illness). ❌ Little or no hands-on experience with parrots—might handle them like general pets without understanding their unique needs.
✅ Can provide detailed examples of how they handled emergencies or challenging behavior in parrots. ❌ Can’t provide real-life examples of parrot care or emergency handling.
✅ Knowledgeable about bird behavior and body language, reducing stress and preventing issues like feather plucking. ❌ No references or only has references from non-avian pet sitting jobs, raising questions about their bird expertise.
✅ References from other bird owners, vets, or bird specialists to back up their experience.

Emotional Connection or "Gut Feeling":

Pros Cons
✅ You feel at ease after meeting them and believe they’ll treat your bird with care and attention. ❌ Your emotions may cloud judgment, especially if the sitter is inexperienced but personable.
✅ They seem genuinely enthusiastic about birds, even if they are newer to bird sitting. ❌ You’re relying solely on a “good vibe” without solid evidence of their bird handling skills.
✅ Your bird reacts positively to the sitter during their initial visit. ❌ Your bird may react well in the moment but could struggle with inexperienced care over the long term.

How to Score It:

When comparing candidates, create a simple scoring system. Give points for each pro and subtract for each con. For example, you can assign:

  • 2 points for each experience-based pro.
  • 1 point for each emotional connection pro.
  • Deduct 2 points for each experience-based con.
  • Deduct 1 point for each emotional connection con.

By assigning scores, you can objectively weigh experience over emotion while still considering your gut feeling. This way, you can confidently choose a sitter who has both the skill and the personality to keep your bird happy and healthy.

Keeping Tabs on Your Bird and Sitter is Easier than Ever

Keeping an eye on your bird while you’re away is easier than ever with today’s technology. One of the best ways to stay connected is by setting up a camera, like a Ring device or similar product, in your bird’s area. With live video, you can check in anytime to see how your parrot is doing, and some cameras even allow you to talk to your bird through two-way audio, which can be comforting for both you and your feathered friend.

Another option is to ask your sitter to send you daily photos or videos of your bird. A simple photo each day can give you peace of mind that your bird is happy and well cared for. You can also request a quick update on their mood, eating habits, and any noticeable changes to ensure everything is running smoothly.

For extra reassurance, you might combine both approaches—using a camera for spontaneous check-ins and asking for daily updates from your sitter. This way, you’ll feel more connected to your bird and be able to step in if anything seems off, making your time away a little less stressful.

Bird Boarding vs. In-Home Sitting: Which Option Fits Your Parrot?

Should you choose bird boarding or in-home sitting? Here's a quick comparison:

In-Home Sitting:

  • Your bird stays in a familiar environment.
  • Less stress from changes in routine.
  • More one-on-one attention.

Bird Boarding:

  • Supervision from experienced staff.
  • Potentially more affordable for long trips.
  • May not provide as much personal attention.

Easing Your Parrot's Separation Anxiety with the Right Sitter

Leaving your beloved feathered friend behind when you go on vacation can be tough. But with a little planning and preparation, you can ensure that your bird is in good hands while you're away.

Remember to do your research, ask plenty of questions, and trust your gut when choosing a pet sitter. Requesting daily photo updates can give you peace of mind, and be sure to take steps to ease your bird's discomfort when you're away. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to enjoy your time away knowing that your bird is happy and well cared for. 

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Link to this blog

Burroughs, D. (2024, October 3). Finding a bird sitter for a worry-free getaway. Finding a Bird Sitter for a Worry-Free Getaway.

Diane Burroughs, LCSW, is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in avian anxiety disorders, nervous bird behaviors, and overall bird care. With training in ABA therapy and certification in Nutrition For Mental Health, Diane has authored several books on bird behavior and offers expert consultations for resolving issues like feather plucking and bird anxiety..

Her work has been featured in the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery and presented at Exoticscon. Diane also mediates the Feather Plucking Help group on Facebook, offering support to parrot owners. With over 30 years of experience, Diane has developed thousands of successful individualized behavior plans, promoting parrot wellness and excellent bird care.

TAGS: #BirdSitter #ParrotSitter #ParrotSittingNearMe


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